Links 🔗
I am a strong advocate of free and open-source software (FOSS), as it benefits the whole community. Here is a list of links to software that I at some point used or is related to my work. Please send me an email if your code belongs here!
Monte Carlo and cross-section codes
- MCFM Parton level Monte Carlo with many processes at NLO and at NNLO, as well as W and Z at N3LO. Includes qT and jet-veto resummation.
- MATRIX Parton level Monte Carlo with many processes at NNLO and an interface to RadISH qT- and jet-veto resummation.
Event generators
- Sherpa General purpose event generator with an interface to Pythia.
- POWHEG BOX NLO shower monte carlo, NNLO+PS using MiNNLO
Further codes with specialization
- CuTe DY,Z,W,H production at NNLO with N3LO resummation at small pT
- PeTeR Photon,Z,W,H production at NNLO with threshold resummation at large pT
- SusHi Higgs production up to N3LO in the HTL with top-quark mass effects, also in BSM models
- ggHiggs Higgs production up to N3LO in the HTL with small-x resummation and top-quark mass effects
- DYTurbo Upgraded version of DYNNLO/DYres with higher-order resummation.
- DYNNLO/DYres Monte Carlo codes for DY production at NNLO and resummation at NNLL
- ResBos Small pT resummation for W,Z,γ,H,γγ,ZZ + jet processes at NLO.
- vh@nnlo VH production at NNLO.
- vbfnlo Code for vector boson fusion processes at NLO.
- ZTOP Single top production at NLO in the stable top approximation.
- TOPAZ Computes various top-quark processes at NLO in the narrow-width approximation.
- NNTopDec Top quark decay at NNLO.
- eerad3 QCD contributions to event shapes and jet rates in electron-positron annihilation at parton level to order as^3.
- JHUgen Focus on studying spin-parity properties of new resonances.
- n3loxs N3LO total inclusive cross-sections for W,Z,H.
Parton shower and beyond
PDF Libraries
- LHAPDF Framework for PDF sets and their evolution.
- PDF4LHC and MetaPDF combination of different PDF sets
Libraries for amplitudes
- VVamp Two-loop helicity amplitudes for VV production with decays.
- Caravel Numerical unitarity framework to explore multi-loop amplitudes in the Standard Model and beyond.
- Recola Automated generation and numerical computation of tree and one-loop amplitudes at next-to-leading order (EW, QCD) in the Standard Model (SM) and Beyond the SM (BSM).
- OpenLoops Numerical evaluation of tree and one-loop matrix elements for any Standard Model process at NLO QCD and NLO EW
- GoSam Automated calculation of one-loop amplitudes generated from Feynman diagrams.
Special functions
- PolyLogTools Polylogtools is a Mathematica package for calculations involving multiple polylogarithms.
- HypExp Mathematica package for the expansion of hypergeometric functions.
- HandyG a Fortran implementation for GPL functions.
- Chaplin Numerical evaluation of complex harmonic polylogarithms up to weight 4 for any complex argument.
- AMOS Bessel functions of complex argument and nonnegative order.
- HPL Mathematica implementation of harmonic polylogarithms
IBP reduction
- Kira IBP reduction of loop integrals.
- FIRE IBP reduction of loop integrals in Mathematica.
- Reduze IBP reduction of loop integrals (considered outdated in favor of Kira).
General purpose numerical loop-integral evaluation
- FIESTA Mathematica sector decomposition code that I extensively used in projects. Being written in Mathematica makes this convenient to use.
- SecDec Sector decomposition code in Python/C++
- AMFlow A proof-of-concept implementation of auxiliary mass flow method.
- DiffExp Mathematica package for the integration of Feynman integrals in terms of series expansions, through the use of differential equations.
Loop-integral evaluation
- QCDloop One-loop scalar Feynman integrals, including complex masses
- OneLOop One-loop scalar Feynman integrals, including complex masses
- Collier Numerical evaluation of one-loop scalar and tensor integrals.
- Golem95 Numerical evaluation of integrals and tensor form factors entering the calculation of one-loop amplitudes with up to six external legs.
- SoftSERVE Numerical evaluation of soft functions for dijet observables.
- APPLgrid Grid interpolator for NLO cross-sections.
- FastNLO Grid interpolator for NLO cross-sections.