
Links 🔗

I am a strong ad­vo­cate of free and open-­source soft­ware (FOS­S), as it ben­e­fits the whole com­mu­ni­ty. Here is a list of links to soft­ware that I at some point used or is re­lated to my work. Please send me an email if your code be­longs here!

Monte Carlo and cross-­sec­tion codes

  • MCFM Par­ton level Monte Carlo with many processes at NLO and at NNLO, as well as W and Z at N3­LO. In­cludes qT and jet-veto re­sum­ma­tion.
  • MA­TRIX Par­ton level Monte Carlo with many processes at NNLO and an in­ter­face to RadISH qT- and jet-veto re­sum­ma­tion.

Event gen­er­a­tors

  • Sherpa Gen­eral pur­pose event gen­er­a­tor with an in­ter­face to Pythia.
  • POWHEG BOX NLO shower monte car­lo, NNLO+PS us­ing MiNNLO

Fur­ther codes with spe­cial­iza­tion

  • CuTe DY,Z,W,H pro­duc­tion at NNLO with N3LO re­sum­ma­tion at small pT
  • Pe­TeR Pho­ton,Z,W,H pro­duc­tion at NNLO with thresh­old re­sum­ma­tion at large pT
  • SusHi Higgs pro­duc­tion up to N3LO in the HTL with top-quark mass ef­fects, also in BSM mod­els
  • ggHiggs Higgs pro­duc­tion up to N3LO in the HTL with smal­l-x re­sum­ma­tion and top-quark mass ef­fects
  • DY­Turbo Up­graded ver­sion of DYNNLO/DYres with high­er-order re­sum­ma­tion.
  • DYNNLO/DYres Monte Carlo codes for DY pro­duc­tion at NNLO and re­sum­ma­tion at NNLL
  • Res­Bos Small pT re­sum­ma­tion for W,Z,γ,H,γγ,ZZ + jet processes at NLO.
  • vh@nnlo VH pro­duc­tion at NN­LO.
  • vbfnlo Code for vec­tor bo­son fu­sion processes at NLO.
  • ZTOP Sin­gle top pro­duc­tion at NLO in the sta­ble top ap­prox­i­ma­tion.
  • TOPAZ Com­putes var­i­ous top-quark processes at NLO in the nar­row-width ap­prox­i­ma­tion.
  • NNTopDec Top quark de­cay at NN­LO.
  • eerad3 QCD con­tri­bu­tions to event shapes and jet rates in elec­tron-­positron an­ni­hi­la­tion at par­ton level to or­der as^3.
  • JHUgen Fo­cus on study­ing spin-­par­ity prop­er­ties of new res­o­nances.
  • n3loxs N3LO to­tal in­clu­sive cross-­sec­tions for W,Z,H.
Par­ton shower and be­yond

PDF Li­braries

  • LHAPDF Frame­work for PDF sets and their evo­lu­tion.
  • PDF4LHC and MetaPDF com­bi­na­tion of dif­fer­ent PDF sets

Li­braries for am­pli­tudes

  • VVamp Two-loop he­lic­ity am­pli­tudes for VV pro­duc­tion with de­cays.
  • Car­avel Nu­mer­i­cal uni­tar­ity frame­work to ex­plore mul­ti­-loop am­pli­tudes in the Stan­dard Model and be­yond.
  • Recola Au­to­mated gen­er­a­tion and nu­mer­i­cal com­pu­ta­tion of tree and one-loop am­pli­tudes at nex­t-­to-lead­ing or­der (EW, QCD) in the Stan­dard Model (SM) and Be­yond the SM (B­SM).
  • Open­Loops Nu­mer­i­cal eval­u­a­tion of tree and one-loop ma­trix el­e­ments for any Stan­dard Model process at NLO QCD and NLO EW
  • GoSam Au­to­mated cal­cu­la­tion of one-loop am­pli­tudes gen­er­ated from Feyn­man di­a­grams.

Spe­cial func­tions

  • Poly­Log­Tools Poly­log­tools is a Math­e­mat­ica pack­age for cal­cu­la­tions in­volv­ing mul­ti­ple poly­log­a­rithms.
  • Hy­p­Exp Math­e­mat­ica pack­age for the ex­pan­sion of hy­per­ge­o­met­ric func­tions.
  • HandyG a For­tran im­ple­men­ta­tion for GPL func­tions.
  • Chap­lin Nu­mer­i­cal eval­u­a­tion of com­plex har­monic poly­log­a­rithms up to weight 4 for any com­plex ar­gu­ment.
  • AMOS Bessel func­tions of com­plex ar­gu­ment and non­neg­a­tive or­der.
  • HPL Math­e­mat­ica im­ple­men­ta­tion of har­monic poly­log­a­rithms

IBP re­duc­tion

  • Kira IBP re­duc­tion of loop in­te­grals.
  • FIRE IBP re­duc­tion of loop in­te­grals in Math­e­mat­i­ca.
  • Re­duze IBP re­duc­tion of loop in­te­grals (con­sid­ered out­dated in fa­vor of Ki­ra).

Gen­eral pur­pose nu­mer­i­cal loop-in­te­gral eval­u­a­tion

  • FI­ESTA Math­e­mat­ica sec­tor de­com­po­si­tion code that I ex­ten­sively used in pro­jects. Be­ing writ­ten in Math­e­mat­ica makes this con­ve­nient to use.
  • SecDec Sec­tor de­com­po­si­tion code in Python/C++
  • AM­Flow A proof-of-­con­cept im­ple­men­ta­tion of aux­il­iary mass flow method.
  • Dif­f­Exp Math­e­mat­ica pack­age for the in­te­gra­tion of Feyn­man in­te­grals in terms of se­ries ex­pan­sions, through the use of dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions.

Loop-in­te­gral eval­u­a­tion

  • QCD­loop One-loop scalar Feyn­man in­te­grals, in­clud­ing com­plex masses
  • OneLOop One-loop scalar Feyn­man in­te­grals, in­clud­ing com­plex masses
  • Col­lier Nu­mer­i­cal eval­u­a­tion of one-loop scalar and ten­sor in­te­grals.
  • Golem95 Nu­mer­i­cal eval­u­a­tion of in­te­grals and ten­sor form fac­tors en­ter­ing the cal­cu­la­tion of one-loop am­pli­tudes with up to six ex­ter­nal legs.


  • Soft­SERVE Nu­mer­i­cal eval­u­a­tion of soft func­tions for di­jet ob­serv­ables.
  • AP­PLgrid Grid in­ter­po­la­tor for NLO cross-­sec­tions.
  • FastNLO Grid in­ter­po­la­tor for NLO cross-­sec­tions.