
Dis­cov­ery through pre­ci­sion

I am a the­o­ret­i­cal physi­cist work­ing on high­-en­ergy pre­ci­sion phe­nom­e­nol­o­gy, cur­rently em­ployed as vis­it­ing lec­turer at South­ern Methodist Uni­ver­sity.

My re­search aims at gain­ing novel in­­sight into the fun­­da­­men­­tal laws of na­­ture through per­­tur­ba­­tive pre­­ci­­sion cal­cu­la­­tions across the scope of par­ti­­cle col­lider pro­­grams.

My re­search is at the in­­ter­­face of the tech­ni­­cal the­ory com­­mu­nity and the ex­per­i­­men­­tal ana­ly­s­es, and ex­­tends from high­­er-order mul­ti­-loop cal­cu­la­­tions to Mon­te-­­Carlo event gen­er­a­­tors rel­e­­vant to ex­per­i­­men­­tal ana­ly­s­es, to lat­tice-­­match­ing cal­cu­la­­tions for cru­­cial in­­put pa­ra­me­ters like PDFs and the strong cou­­pling. The use of large scale nu­mer­i­­cal and com­­puter al­ge­bra meth­ods is part of my daily work.

Au­gust 2024: J. Camp­bell, T. Neu­mann, G. Vi­ta, Pro­jec­tion-­to-Born-im­proved Sub­trac­tions at NNLO, arX­iv:2408.05265

Please have a look around to find more de­tails about my Re­search and Pub­li­ca­tions.